Growth control of horticultural crops

Methods of growth control of horticultural crops.

  • Physical method
  • Chemical method
  • Biological method

Physical methods


Shoot tip and some other branches are removed allow room for new growth, healthier plants. it increases the productivity and make plants more manageable.

Pruning methods

  1. Heading back – Removal of the shoot apex eliminates the effect of auxins, removal of dominance of the apex. plants are grain geometric shapes, always be pruned in a way that the lower portion of the plant is wider than the upper portion. it allow to obtain maximum amount of light to full height of the plants.
  2. Thinning – the process of removal of entire branches
  3. Training – the goal of the training a young tree is to direct tree growth developing a strong framework minimize cutting to grain more sunlight and air to the centre of the plant to increased the productivity, proper tree structure facilitate the cultural operations, such as spraying and harvesting can be performed at the lowest cost/ manageable. protect trees from the sun burn and wind damage.


Pruning below-ground parts of the plants, maintain the plans in small shallow container for years by restrict the vegetative growth.

Key steps of the pruning

  1. Root pruningremove the tap roots and simulate the development of the lateral roots.
  2. Repotting – overgrowth roots are pruned and replanted in new soil. The bonsai depends on a small amount of soil in a container for survival. When the pot becomes filled with roots, it becomes harder for the plant to absorb water and air through the soil; the growth becomes stunted. Thus re-potting is necessary to increase a bonsai’s longevity
  3. Wiring – use aluminium and copper attaching wires to trunk and branches to create desired turn.

Biological Control of crop plants.


Application of grafting

  • Dwarfing rootstocks – control the plant size it easier to harvesting, fitting better in the landscape.
  • Disease tolerant rootstocks
  • Improved productivity

Chemical Control of crop plants.

Done by plant growth regulators

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