Carbon Cycle

General major steps of the carbon cycle.

  1. Photosynthesis
  2. Respiration
  3. Decomposition
  4. Fossil fuel formation
  5. Fossil fuel burning
  6. Absorption into ocean
  7. Up taken by the plants
  8. Rock Weathering


The production of Methane

  1. Hydrogen, Carbon dioxide production – broken down the organic material and releasing hydrogen, carbon dioxide.
  2. Acetate production – carbon dioxide and hydrogen are converted into acetate by methanogenic archaea.
  3. Conversion of acetate into methane by archaea.

Microbial fermentation within Rumen

Ingested foods goes to rumen before it goes to stomach, it has relatively high temperature, content pH (6.5). In rumen food remain 9-12 hours.

There are 25-50 billion bacteria and 200000-500000 protozoa in per milliliter of rumen fluid.

Major steps microbial fermentation within rumen

  • Acidogenesis is the initial step of fermentation; cellulose, hemicellulose, proteins, and other organic polymers are digested in the rumen to their monomer components by primary anaerobic fermentation.
  • Acetogenesis occurs after acidogenesis. These monomers are then converted into VFAs (Volatile Fatty Acids), CO2, and H2 by secondary fermenters.
  • Bacteria growth and multiplication and production of diverse community of bacteria and protozoa; these organisms get energy from the hydrolyzed monomers such as glucose, amino acid.
  • Methanogenesis; conversion of acetate into methane by archaea.
  • Ammonia Production; some bacteria in rumen covert amino acids into ammonia.
  • Fatty acids are absorbed directly through rumen wall and provide 60% to 80% energy needs of the cow.
  • Rumen microorganisms are make vitamin B and vitamin C

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