Seed Certification

Seed certification is the process that ensure seeds that produce by plant breeders are having high quality, original genetic identity, highest genetic purity. All these qualities are retained as throughout a number of specific number of generations.

Benefits of using certified seeds

  • Development of seeds contains improved characters herbicide tolerance, resistance to pests, improved grazing tolerance, higher yield, better Nutrition and better consumer appeal

Qualities of a certified seed

  • Free form the mechanical damages and low moisture content
  • Moisture content is low enough for storage
  • Freedom from the pest and diseases
  • Free from the weed seeds and undesired crops
  • High germination strength
  • High seedling vigour

There are four seed certification class

  • Breeder seedsThe seeds or vegetative propagation materials in the direct control of the plant breeder, that are responsible for the development of the cultivar, these seeds has highest genetic purity and the quality.
  • Foundation seeds – The first generation increase of the breeder seeds (one generation is removed from the breeder seeds.)
  • Registration seedsSeeds that removed two generations from the breeder seeds. Produced directly from breeder seed.
  • Certified seedsProduce from the foundation or registered seeds, seeds are labeled with the certified label or blue tag, these seeds are available for farmers to purchasing

Advantages of seed certification and Disadvantages of the seed certification

prevent the wastage genetic resources of the seedsCertification rules must be followed, which reduces growers’ management options.
Guarantees of proper labelling Forms needs to be completed.
It is undergo seeds crops inspection Time consuming
It identify the seeds lots Certified fee must be paids
Reliable seed sampling and testing servicesampling and testing is time consuming and costly.
Encourage specialist seeds growers Crop cost and market value will increases.

Seed certification process with steps

  1. Variety development – varieties that contains improved characters
  2. Parent seed multiplication – multiply the parent seeds.
  3. Field selection.
  4. Planting material sanitization
  5. Isolation – isolate the seed producing crops from the other plants.
  6. Roguing – process of removing or isolating plants that exhibit undesirable traits
  7. Field inspection – seeds crops are inspected at specific stage.
  8. Certification – after the passing the field inspection and CSGA (Canadian Seed Growers’ Association) standard the seed grower receives a certificated.
  9. Harvested materials sanitation
  10. Harvesting at the mature stage
  11. Store in the seed storage to preserve the unique genetic identity.
  12. Testing and grading
  13. Bagging and tagging
  14. Commercial famers
  15. Food processing

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